Sunday, November 14, 2010

things u'll eventually inevitably

hear me say...

my fav 7 words:

Definitely undefeated No. 1:                        AWESOME!! (this is a total must)

No. 2-5 are constantly changing their spots:  dude (classy)
                                                               anyway (nice way to introduce the next topic)
                                                               what(so)ever (usually there's no difference between those 2 for me, just my thing ;) )
                                                               guys (alternates the dudes ;) )
No. 6:                                                      weird (good word to describe myself)

No. 7 just really does what it says:              flabbergast (dude seriously, I find it quite striking that this one made it to the list; thanks to Flight of the Conchords it's burned in my brain forever haha)

yup sure know how to find the right words, dont I ?! Bet I'm not the only one :P


meine 7 Lieblingswoerter der englischen Sprache:

die unbesiegte No. 1:                                 AWESOME !! (ein Muss)

die No. 2-5 wechseln ihre Positionen staendig:
                                                               dude (ein Klassiker)
                                                               anyway (gut um n neues Thema anzuprechen)
                                                               what(so)ever (bei mir ist da kein Unterschied, das is einfach mein Ding ;) )
                                                               guys (abwechselnd zu dudes)
No. 6:                                                      weird ( n gutes Wort mich zu beschreiben)

No. 7 macht was es sagt:                           flabbergast (Leute wirklich, ich finds ziemlich komisch, dass dieses es auf die Liste geschafft hat; dank Flight of the Conchords ists fuer immer in mein Hirn gebrannt haha)

yup, Ich weiss die richtigen Worte zu finden, oder?! Bin bestimmt nich die einzige :P

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