Monday, February 14, 2011

Some hate it, some 'love' it...

Considering that today is February 14th... you can be sure that I'm talking about Valentine's Day! If I had to choose between hate and love than I guess I'd tend to pick love. On the one hand I'm being optimistic and on the other hand because last year's V-Day was the awesomest so far!
Pillow fight in San Francisco, I mean how much better can it get?!

Here some pics (didn't have my cam with me, so I have to give credits to my friends n the Internet ;) )

How on earth am I not to love San Francisco?!

Ukay n here a random video of that very day, so maybe u get an idea what I'm talking about ;)

Well so far today I had to take an exam, so that certainly was not the best part of my day, right?! Sure!

The only good part is that the rest of the day I can just do as I please (if that's the right way to put it ;) )

Yup, but I'm pretty sure you all will have a fabulous time, because why not?!

Always good to spread some love, so today's your day to make everyone see that everyday should be a day to show you care and to let'em know you love'em :D ... 

Spur of the moment kinda thing (is that right?!)
My less than 60 sec-gift for 2 of my friends, just because I felt like it and just because they were the only ones I saw after the exam, I'd probably have done more! So some other time maybe, folks :P

Today: After lunch at that college food place stuff thingy we went to that other place right across, it's like this cafe "Bruecke", pretty nice.
D. reserved a couch while I was supposed to get him a Cappuccino. I was gonna get a Latte Macchiatto and E. felt like a Cappucino aswell. Therefore I asked her to just get 2 of them (one for her and one for him). No problemo.

Except E.: "So what am I gonna say now when I order?
                 2 Cappuccini, please?!"
The barista overheard us & was just like: "You can say both! 'Cappucinos' is german and the other one is italian; so either way is fine!"

Never though about it before... so next time I order more than 2 beverages I'll have to remember: Latte Macchiati, Esspressi, Capuccini... :P

Uhhh, one more thing: gonna bake some delic version of Nm's Chocolate Chip Cookies laterrrr.... Yummm!!

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