Monday, January 31, 2011

Done with class that morning...

I left the building thinking:
'Seriously! ... seriously!...
really?!... ooh maaan!'
It's snowing - again. Not too bad yet but who knows, over night that might change. I certainly won't like that!

A few days ago was the first exam for this year. I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with me saying it was a mean one. Well, I guess the behaviour during lecture could have been better on certain days... ah whatever, let's just wait for the results.

Now time to prepare for the next exams, and I wanna get rid of that headache I've been having for quite some time.

It'll be a busy february, therefore I'm looking forward to some free time :)
These days I'm trying to cook some more. Even I can admit now that I'm not doing so bad afterall. Pretty decent meals, I tell ya... And oh yeah, that doesn't mean that I'll be cooking all the time, just so we're clear ;)

Lazy level for studying is kinda high.
How on earth can I find a better way to motivate myself?!
I have no idea...

My mind always drifts off to better places.... like a couple days ago, I've been thinking about geocaching. I'd like to try that sometime... need a GPS though.
I wonder if anyone I know tried that before... Certainly sounds like tons of fun!! So eventually, I'll try it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Orange bumpersticker

A bumper sticker I like. It's orange & says sth on it. I'd buy it.
But I don't have a car, so wouldn't make sense to buy one, right?!
I'd like to see it nevertheless, so why don't you get it?

Better yet: Just try and do what it says ;)

"Practice random acts of kindness."

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

CHGH - pois

Facebook makes you do random and unnecessary things... it's fun though ^^

Like one of my fb friends posted following:

1 - Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”. Third picture no matter what is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.

5 - Post it with this text in the "caption" and TAG the friends you want to join in.
Before I know it, I'm already searching, because deep down I always wanted to have my own band, but so far nothing really evolved :P
So here are my results:
1. the name of my band:       Church Hill Grange Hall (CHGH)
2. the title of our first album:     putting on its shoes
3.  our abum pic
4. can't do that for some reason
5. therefore no tagging + also this isn't fb :P
Still I find it quite amusing, maybe you will too. Give it a try! ^___^

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sick & tired...

I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired!
It just sucks! Especially during ur studyphase :P
Ah, nevermind, I'm still in a 'whatever'-mood.
Maybe that shows ya, how psyched I am ;)
Seriously love CA & can't wait to see everyone!

FYI: The ones that don't want to see me:
I give u a headstart to come up with excuses (u know, why u'll be busy and such!) Needs to last for a month, so:
telling me that you'll be having a headache for 4 weeks probably won't cut it.
Or actually... maybe it will; depends on how well u'll be able to present ur case ;)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

drink tea when you're havin a cold...

Ukay still sick:
I'm havin a cold or the 'head'-flu or whatever that is I have...
doesn't really matter what it is, either way it's super annoyin...
Seriously, during my lecture yesterday & my other class my nose just wouldn't stop teasing me... Man how can I be more environmentally-friendly if I keep on needing those tissues constantly?! Sneezing ain't fun, everybody gives you those looks: ugh, stop spreading ur germs!
AS if I want to get everyone sick! I can barely stand it myself haha

Ukay the good thing though (yeah, surprisingly there is one):
I figured I'm supposed to drink more tea, so why not make my favourite?!
The one that seems to have magic powers!

I don't really know why I like it so much, but I do, I love it! So good!

(Peet's Coffee & Tea's) Xiao's Blend
Today was the first time I opened it in Germany and the smell was mesmerizing... surprisingly I was even able to smell it haha
Just what I'm sayin, like medicine, helps at the first instance ;)
and I didn't even drink it yet haha

First sip, right away oh yeah feeling and nostalgia...
I remember... I loooove it

The things that are going through my head...

are not easy to understand, especially for a stranger... without a map you won't be able to understand. It's like a maze... even I get stuck sometimes and run against a wall. Days later I might find my way out, question here: will I still need it or have I just skipped this obstacle somehow and try to tackle a new one....

Anyways, Consider yourself lucky:
I don't write as much as I talk.
Otherwise you'd be bombed with words, ideas, basically everything. And also I'd never be able to stop typig ;)

Tonight was one of those nights again!
I pretty much talked about all kinds of things in life, especially the ones that are not connected, like at all... somehow after hours I showed them (or probably more myself) that on a certain level they actually are. Ah, whatever at least I believe in my interlincing-theory :P

One the one hand I'd like thenpeople to be convinced as well, on the other hand I prefer believing that it doesn't matter if they do or not. I pleaded my case and came to this conclusion: I believe.
Let them think whatever they want. I just want them to make up their on mind & be open. I'm pretty sure I gave'em some food for thought.

yup, I was gonna note down sth else... kinda forget it along they way... it might come to me in a few minutes....
FYI: I randomly jump from one topic to a total different one, just like tonight, just so u know if you didn't already :P

Specialty for tonight though:
linking everything, narrowing it down (or NOT as said before: I tend to wander from the subject).

Anyways though my fellows might not agree; or let's say one part was  interested, the other a little annoyed (btw: is that how you write "annoyed"?)

Either way: I learned sth about myself tonight,
nothing I didn't know already on some level....
I guess I just connected some ideas... in some way I'd take this also as a certain way of progressing...

Oh, the other thing:
one of the reasons I like English: The language itself is somehow... well, let's say 'shorter'... for instance in German one always has the longest sentences. Really. Contrary, In English things seem to be a little more straightforward, shorter if you will ;)

In some ways college actually made me think about this a little more.
Funny story: Some of the stuff that we discuss in class about culture & understanding etc. Are bascially things I've been thinking about my whole life on a certain level. I guess my notions are not necessarily the same but nevertheless... anyways I guess I was even going down a deeper road... but well, right now for classes, it's the basics I need to pass & not getting too much ahead (of class or even of myself).

Friday, January 21, 2011

this morning...

Stepping out the door this morning
that's when I smelt it  -  Snow!
Somehow I like it's freshness.
A brief moment later, it's magic power:
cars covered in a fragile white veil.

Oh ya, the sweet moment passed by quickly
once I started to feel the piercing cold.
Back to reality, back on auto mode to university.

Almost forgot about it, then unexpectedly
it's dark side let me know about his presence once more.
Man, this time I almost felt it's effect the hard way.
If only I'd known, boy, I tell ya,
I'd definitely have chosen different shoes :P

in a time of frustration there's a light at the end of the tunnel

Quick note:

happiness level pretty high 2day!!

FYI: I have no life at the moment:
studying for the next 1 n a half months!
For sure THAT is not why I'm so happy!

Rather following:
booked my flight to California 2day!
Therefore super stoked!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


My friend I. told me about the 'Road Stop' today.
Now I wanna try it but... I have to wait for the right moment.

There are some things I'm looking forward to and some I'd rather erase.
Like my finals ... I sooo wanna skip them.

Things I can't wait for:
seeing my dear friends from all over the world (miss all my crazy and awesomest friends!!)
& one very important thing... SUMMER!!

How is it possible that there's still snow left?! The weather was pretty nice the last few days but it's gonna get colder again.... that means I'll most likely be seeing more snow this year.... ohhh man
Ukay Desi, enough time spend on keepin urself from studyin :P

One last thought: I'm pro healthy environment. So, Recycle people! Thanks :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

cake n candy day

I really like my last weekends: I just did whatever I felt like... especially eating lots of Pizza, cake (the self-baked kind), and candy (the good kind, from that awesome dutch sweet shop 'Jamine')
Everything was going pretty well until that stomache aching part began... oi, now it's hard to fall asleep... uk n the headache doesn't make it any better.
Somehow I don't mind that much, because the weekend was fun nevertheless :) Was at my parents & my sis... nice family quality time with lots of laughter, discussions, games & more laughter.
Also we went to the Netherlands, buying groceries... just love doing that, I always get lots of food & candy... couldn't resist haha
Lately I've been catching up with some people I haven't talked to for quite some time... For some reason I always get excited about every tinsy tiny note I get... brightens my day, just so u guys know ;) 
Uhh n I also got some instant coffee (not nearly as awesome as the good stuff, but nevertheless pretty decent) Got some of that tonite n ate some Haribo Smikkel-Mix (bought it in the Netherlands aswell).

That TV Show 'Glee' just aired today in Germany for the first time, dubbed of course... really ruins half of it's humour (as expected)...
I prefer the original language... same with other shows like 'HIMYM'... half the wit gets lost during dubbing (though I have to admit that 'GG' did a pretty good job). Worst part always: the idioms!!
Sometimes I can't seem to tell the differnece between german & english sayings anymore... sorry 'bout that... don't mind you laughing though as I usually laugh along anyways :P

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Insane Things To Do...

Insanity maintenance

16 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity

  1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglass on and point a Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down.
  2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don’t Disguise Your Voice!
  3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, ask If They Want Fries with that.
  4. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch to Espresso.
  5. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ‘For Marijuana’
  6. Finish All Your sentences with ‘In Accordance With The Prophecy’
  7. Skip down the hall Rather Than Walk and see how many looks you get.
  8. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face.
  9. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is ‘To Go’.
  10. Sing Along At The Opera.
  11. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area and Play tropical Sounds All Day.
  12. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can’t Attend Their Party Because You have a headache.
  13. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream ‘I Won! I Won!’
  14. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling ‘Run For Your Lives! They’re Loose!’
  15. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, ‘Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.’
  16. And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity send this to make someone smile.

Zur Erhaltung des Wahnsinns

16 Wege um ein gesundes Level an Verruecktheit zu behalten
  1. Zur Mittagszeit, setze dich in dein geparktes Auto mit Sonnenbrille auf und halte einen Foehn auf vorbeifahrende Autos. Pass auf, ob sie langsamer werden.
  2. Lass dich selbst uebers Intercom ausrufen. Verstell deine Stimme nicht!
  3. Jedesmal, wenn dich jemand bittet etwas zu tun, frag sie, ob sie Pommes dazu moechten.
  4. Benutze 3 Wochen lang Kaffe ohne Koffein fuer die gemeinschaftliche Kaffeemaschine. Sobald alle ueber ihre Koffeinsucht hinweg sind, gehe ueber zum Espresso.
  5. Schreib "Fuer Marijuana" ins Memo Feld deiner Checks.
  6. Beende alle deine Saetze mit "laut der Prophezeiung".
  7. Hopse die Gaenge runter anstatt zu gehen und schau wie viele Leute dich anstarren.
  8. Bestell ein Diaet Wasser wann immer du auswaerts isst, mit einem ernsten Gesicht.
  9. Gib an, dass deine Drive-In Bestellung "zum Mitnehmen" ist.
  10. Wenn du in der Oper bist, sing mit.
  11. Haenge ein Moskitonetz ueber deinen Arbeitsplatz und spiele den ganzen Tag tropische Musik.
  12. Sag deinen Freunden 5 Tagen im voraus, dass du nicht zu ihrer Party kannst, da du Kopfschmerzen hast.
  13. Wenn die Scheine as dem Geldautomaten kommen, schrei: "Gewonnen! Ich habe gewonnen!"
  14. Wenn du den Zoo verlaesst, fange an zum Parkplatz zu rennen und schrei: "Rennt um euer Leben! Sie sind los!"
  15. Sag deinen Kindern beim Abendessen: "Aufgrund der Wirtschaft, muessen wir einen von euch gehen lassen/ feuern."
  16. Und der letzte Weg um ein gesundes Mass an Wahnsinn zu behalten, schicke dieses um jemanden zum Laecheln zu bringen.

Monday, January 3, 2011

once again please, still wasn't enough...

The last day of 2010 was pretty fun!
We had way too much food, staied up way too long and didn't sleep long enough! Fun level was at awesome, we played Singstar n Tabu for instance!

No wonder we were a little tired on New Years.
But if that's the price you have to pay... then here you go.

In fact we had so much food that some of the ppl came back yesterday nite to help me gett 'rid of it'!
And guess what?! - We still have some stuff left (candy & drinks mostly)!! I mean... hello?!... 9 people not enough, huh?!
But ukay I guess they'll just have to come back for another round :P
Also the occasions are always involved with lots of fun sooo... who am I to argue... haha

Yup that's pretty much all for now...

Der letzte Tag des Jahres 2010 war ziemlich gut!
Wir hatten viel zu viel zu Essen, sind viel zu lang aufgewesen und haben viel zu wenig geschlafen! Und jede Menge Spass, wir haben unteranderem Singstar und Tabu gespielt!
Also kein Wunder, dass wir an Neujahr ein bissl mued waren.
Aber wenn das der Preis ist, den man dafuer bezahlen muss... dann hier bitte sehr.

Genau gesagt, hatten wir soo viel zu Essen, dass einige der Leute wieder gekommen sind um mir zu helden, dass ganze 'Los zu werden'!
Und ratet, was?! - Wir haben immer noch einiges ueber (Knabberzeugs und Getraenke zum grossen Teil)!! Ich mein... hallo?!... 9 Leute sind wohl immer noch nich genug, oder wie?!
Na ja, dann muessen alle wohl noch einmal wieder kommen fuer ne weitere Runde :P
Ausserdem haben wir immer jede Menge Spass an solchen Abenden... also will ich mich ja gar nich beschweren... haha

Yo, das war's erstmal wieder...