Thursday, March 24, 2011

Busy Bee

I've been pretty busy the last few days.
I'll be moving this Sunday. My stuff won't pack itself on its own...
I moved here in October and am leaving end of March, that's just a couple of months. Apparently my stuff must alive or something like that because it keeps growing.
How on earth did I manage to get so many things?
It feels like the packing will never end. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not even halfway done... oh dear...

Ukay also I'm trying to make a B-Day gift for my friend. I'm supposed to be done by tomorrow night... not as far as I planned to be here either... man...

Too many things spoking around in my head I can't grasp them all...

Also I'm frustrated with my schedule for this coming semester...
I only got into half the classes I wanted to take and now I have to wait for the next phase to sign up... oh and which classes I might be able to squeeze in order to get a somewhat acceptable schedule.... pretty annoying...

Somehow my 'To Do'-List seems to add up rather than getting checked off. I get 1 done and right away 3 others replace that one... man...

I've been at my parents the last few days and they want to do some redecorating. New wallpaper for our huge hall it is. Stairs and all.
My dad's big on doing things himself. My dad, my sis and I had to get rid off the old one first. It took us two entire days... (Lucky us: My dad was off for those days) My mum was keen on getting the kitchen done aswell. After an hour working we were certain not to do more than we have to, sorry kitchen.

Oh funny part: we pulled the whole wallpaper off and my mum (the decisionmaker for these type of things) hasn't even chosen a new one. I guess our hall will be looking yellowish rough for a while ;)
I mean my dad is working full time, it's not like he can just do everything at once now.

Less than 2 weeks and classes will start again... I'm just looking forward to lots of sunny days, just like the one today (don't mind it being warmer though ;) )